Tuesday, June 10, 2014

How I keep stress at bay - five tips

These days are a crazy whirl wind of exam study stress, holiday ideas, Master applications and internship talks. Add a 38 heat wave to that and some time to soak in the sunshine, I can't complain really. The only thing I regret is saying "no" to an invite to go to New York with my boyfriends' family. 
Sometimes I have to push myself out of my pre-set standards and kindness way of thinking. Doesn't mean I have to be mean or rude, but rather evaluate certain situations more and appreciate an offer like that - who know when it will ever come again!

While J is on the plane to New York, I am 'stuck' in the hot city mess of Vienna. University chaos all around me. My table is literally full of papers and study cards, difficult to find the right keys on my notebook's keyboard, ay. In Austria, the Summer term at Uni ends with the last day of June. So June is, although it's my mum's and my birthday in there as well, a stress ball.

What do I do to stay focused and don't get overwhelmed by everything in a very stressful month like this?

First, I use breathing techniques. I have went to a budhism grounded mindfulness meditation class last Winter and it taught me a lot about being in the moment and letting thoughts be what they are without judging. I have adopted meditation into my routine as well as some workouts or running two or three times a week in the morning.

Second, be around people you like and who like you. Don't let yourself be distracted by negative and whining people, they are energy suckers, literally! If I feel overwhelmed with a project or work or had a bad day, I try to make more time with my friends and family. They keep me grounded and they are the most fun people to be around!

Third, find some time for yourself every week. Just keep one evening reserved for yourself. For me that's every Thursday, but it can be any day, just what suits you best. Go and eat at your favorite restaurant or take a hot bath or read a book.

Just enjoy the moments of being after a day of rushing around and making sure that you met all important deadlines. Or go on a walk, take a ride on your bike and enjoy some Summer sunshine. We all work enough indoors, it is important to get some vitamin d as well! :)

Fourth, I keep a list of my favorite songs on the go on my phone to cheer me up on long train rides or while waiting around for the next lecture to start. They also act like a safety net if something went wrong and I get moody, turn up the music and dance, dance, dance

And last, but not least, I like to enjoy some fruits and veggies every day and really take time to eat. Hectic eating can result in reflux or stomache problems and it is important to me to have time for a good breakfast, lunch and inbetweeners like fruit snacks or a yummy sandwich. This one is the hardest point for me, because I tend to forget time when I am in a study session. Sometimes I plan my meals ahead, sometimes I use time in the evenings to cook and wind down.

I wish you a wonderful week! Let me know what your favorite routine or tip is to keep cool in stressful and hectic times?


  1. "The only thing I regret is saying "no" to an invite to go to New York with my boyfriends' family"
    ..You did WHAT?!
    I am feeling incredibly sorry for you right now. I'm suffering in the heat wave too (41°C when I was cycling home to the train station sob sob sob) but I don't have all of that other stuff going on, I wouldn't be able to cope! Such a great list with lovely pictures to go with it! Am going to share this with my friends who are feeling a bit run down :) xxx
    La Lingua : Food, Life, Love, Travel, Friends, Italy

  2. ahhh yes vegetables is important, and so is remembering to breathe! and yeah, negative people are for sure energy suckers!

  3. these are great tips! i need to slow down and take deep breaths more often, that's a weakness of mine

    Little Blue Backpack


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